This page contains links to articles and videos pertaining to various Japanese woodblock printmaking / mokuhanga techniques.

This is not, and could not possibly be, a comprehensive list of all resources for every technique; Instead, it is a collection of resources that I’ve found to be particularly informative. However, I’m sure that there are great resources that I haven’t found yet; So if you know of any great videos, articles, etc., which aren’t already listed here, feel free to share it in the comments, and maybe I’ll add it to the page.

The resources on this page are categorized by topic. The topics are generally in alphabetical order. However, there is a mix of English and Japanese terms, so if you’re looking for a specific topic, it may be helpful to use the “Find” feature in your browser. I’ve also added an Index at the bottom that might help you find what you’re looking for. Within each category, I’ll generally try to place the most didactic/exemplary resources first; but besides that, there is no particular order.

In woodblock printmaking, as with most things in life, there are often multiple approaches or solutions for the same problem. For some of the topics on this page, there multiple resources, each describing a different technique to achieve the same effect. I recommend checking out each of the resources, and find what works best for you.

For some video resources, the pertinent information appears at specific point in the video. The link should take you to the appropriate point in the video. However, if the link does not take you directly there, I’ve also included a timestamp (@ HH:MM:SS) in the link text. Some of the videos have Japanese dialog; however YouTube’s auto-translate closed captioning usually does a decent job of translating the gist of what’s being discussed.

For article/text resources, there is sometimes a video demonstration embedded within the article (the video will not be linked separately on this page). So I’d recommend checking those pages too, even if you’re looking for videos.

Finally, the links on this page typically go to a specific article or a specific point in a video; However, it is often worthwhile to watch the entire video, or browse the other articles or videos on the linked website. Often times, there is a wealth of information to be found.

Baren – Information
Baren – Wrapping / Re-covering – Takenokawa
Block Preparation / Care
Brush – Care
Brush – Making Of
Carving – Brush Strokes / Calligraphy / Kasure
Carving – Carved Gradation / Ita Bokashi
Carving – Clearing Waste Wood
Carving – Curved Lines
Carving – Front Rubbing / Shomenzuri Block
Carving – Hair
Carving – Kento / Registration Marks
Carving – Relief Cuts / Sute-bori
Carving – Repairs / Fixes / Plugs / Inlays
Carving – Straight Lines
Carving – Tools
Hanshita / Key Line Sheet
Kyogo / Color Transfer Sheets
Paper Sizing / Dosa
Paste / Nori
Printing – Flat Colors / Betazuri
Printing – Front Rubbing / Shomenzuri
Printing – Gomazuri
Printing – Gradation / Bokashi
Printing – Large Prints
Printing – w/ Metal Powders (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Aluminum, etc)
Printing – w/ Mica Powder / Kirazuri
Registration / Kento
Miscellaneous Videos

Various videos which, while not illustrating a specific technique, may still be worth watching. These videos generally consist of: craftsmen at work, documentary films, and presentations.

Miscellaneous Books

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