Over the last few months, I’ve been adding some content to the website.
In particular, I’d like to draw your attention to the Printmaking Techniques page, which I think is/can be a great resource for people interested in mokuhanga. This page has links to videos and articles that explain, demonstrate, or discuss various mokuhanga-related topics. Some of the videos on that page are a little bit obscure or difficult to find, so I’m hoping that this page be will useful and appreciated by anyone with an interest in woodblock printmaking.
I’ve also added Printmaking Suppliers page, which provides links to various online retailers of mokuhanga tools and materials. Some of these sellers and products can be a little bit hard to find, so I’m hoping that people will find this page useful as well. As with the Techniques page, the Suppliers pages will be continuously growing/evolving as I find more links to add. So if you know of any good resources that are absent from those pages, feel free to leave a comment.
Besides those “resources” pages, I’ve also added a few pages showcasing some of the things that I’ve made. I’ve added a Woodblock Prints section that provides some information about the woodblock prints that I’ve made. There is also an Other Work section for various other projects/hobbies. There’s not much to say about these pages, but feel free to check them out if they’re something that you might be interested in. Any feedback would be appreciated.
I’ve been busy with work/life over the last few months, but it’s calmed down a bit for now, so I’ve got a few new projects underway at the moment, including a new woodblock print. Perhaps I’ll post some updates about it here in the coming weeks.